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Freestanding L Walls

Freestanding L Walls

Regular price £373.20
Regular price Sale price £373.20
This price includes VAT. Shipping calculated at checkout.

  Product lead time: 5-6 weeks


To order or to find out more information, please contact the CWP Team directly:

01576 204 367


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CWP's Freestanding L Walls allow a quick and simple solution for a variety of uses, all whilst offering a great value for money and flexibility.

Their L Walls have many different uses for the agricultural and industrial sectors – they can enable different levels to be created within a building, continuous walls can be created regardless of the terrain, and they are simple to position, meaning your new structure can be built quickly. L Walls also give you the flexibility to construct behind the retaining wall.

Each L Wall is fitted with a tongue and groove feature which allows your construction to be stable and sturdy. Additional L walls can also be added at a later date if the need arises to extend and create a larger space.

As well as the tongue and groove feature, each L Wall is fitted with cast in fork pockets which can enable the walls to be easily maneuvered.

Freestanding L Wall Uses


  • Agricultural Buildings
  • Bulk Storage Bays
  • Aggregate Bays
  • Grain / Crop Storage


  • Waste & Recycling Facilities
  • Flood Alleviation Works
  • Landscaping Housing Estates
  • Security / Fire Blast Walls

Freestanding L Wall Sizes

1m wide x 2m high
1m wide x 3m high

Corner unit x 2m high
Corner unit x 3m high


Product CodeSizeWeight
L21m wide x 2m high2000kg
L31m wide x 3m high2450kg
L2CCorner Unit x 2m high1000kg
L3CCorner Unit x 3m high1230kg

Shipping & Delivery

Due to their size and weight, these products are delivered by our own staff using our own vehicles.

After you place your order, our sales team will contact you to arrange the delivery suitable to your availability and access restrictions.

The delivery is priced by your distance from our yard in Lockerbie.

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